Arkay Provide Every Government liaison requires clear understanding of governmental processes, Every Government Approval and persistent follow-up of every task. Since solar policy been announced in Gujarat, as well as MNRE, Arkay has been forefront in liaison for many clients. ARKAY provides following services for his clients.
Solar Project Implementation Under PPA (power Purchase Agreement):
- Pre-application filing: Pre-application filing is the most basic step for getting project allotment from Government. In Arkay, we provide consultancy for filing Pre-application for Solar PV and Solar Generation project to Government department in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Uttrakhand. Arkay will provide complete education on step to step guidelines and format of documents to be filed with pre-application to sure getting invited for application submission for respective category in the solar policy. Whether its PPA based solar power project or under REC scheme, we help in state level government liaison and also at Center in MNRE under JNNSM or other schemes that released time to time by concerned authority
- Application submission: Actual Application submission is the second step towards getting allotment. One must understand and have enough knowledge of the way government machinery works for allocation. It is also most important to attach right documents required to be submitted along with application in certain format and details. Arkay’s expertise and reputation give surety to get allotment from government in most cases of application for Solar PV.
- PPA allotment: This is a complete government process. If filed with Arkay, with right application process follow-up from department to department ensures certain allotment in most cases from government. Beside once allotment approved, we help provide complete help for PPA signing with GUVNL or Distribution company of the Government.
- Payment collection : Once project initiated, Arkay will help you set up process to apply, receive payment notes, from relevant department of Government and most important get timely payment every month by perfecting coordination within different functions of Government.
Solar Project Installation :
Duty exemption from Excise and Custom department:
For all the material procured for installation of solar power project, Government of INDIA has provided special concession in the form of exemption of basic Central Excise duty levy for all material procured from any of Indian manufacturer and Exemption on basic custom duty levy for all material procured from international vendor. This exemption process requires all claims must be authenticated, verified and furnished via state government to central government. State nodal agency must issue recommendation certificate for each such claims. Based on such recommendation certificate Central government issued a exemption certificate which can be used by developer while procuring material. ARKAY had cleared 58 excises and custom duty exemption claims so far and has expertise the process of getting such issuances faster. Contact ARKAY for further details.
Solar Project Commissioning :
This is vital step of the project. After full and final implementation of the solar power project, Developer has to ask state nodal agency, chief electric inspector general office to verify, approve and certify the installation. This Certifying authority designates the official to make personal visit and inspect the site against all rules, regulation laid out part of the underlying policy against which Developer has signed the PPA with government. This designated official inspect all aspect of the site, record all information specifically power meter reading of the solar plant and prepares report to the higher authority in the office. Based on the report Director issues a commissioning certificate to the developer which he can present to the financial arm of the energy department and open an energy account with the state. Having 24 clients with combine capacity of 80 MW scale project commissioning experience, ARKAY can easily help solar project developer complete successful commissioning of the project.
Contact us to understand and discuss more about Government liaison and Gov. Approval for your Solar PV Project.